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Critical drive & automation products

Armin Belle

‎ €24.99
export, export control, sanctions
Critical drive & automation products subject to export control

Armin Belle

‎ €24.99
export, export control, sanctions
Certain critical export-controlled product groups to be aware of

The main purpose of the article is to raise awareness of certain product groups that are subject to export control. This concerns in particular drive and automation products as well as emerging technologies in the high-tech industry. For example, inverters can have a special software extension for output frequencies above 600 Hz, which is critical because this type of product can be used in chemical centrifuges and nuclear power plants in sanctioned countries.

Armin Belle

export, export control, sanctions
Certain critical export-controlled product groups to be aware of

The main purpose of the article is to raise awareness of certain product groups that are subject to export control. This concerns in particular drive and automation products as well as emerging technologies in the high-tech industry. For example, inverters can have a special software extension for output frequencies above 600 Hz, which is critical because this type of product can be used in chemical centrifuges and nuclear power plants in sanctioned countries.

Armin Belle

export, export control, sanctions
Export control: the need for an internal compliance programme

What is an Internal Compliance Programme (ICP) and what are its core elements? What if the ICP is not required by law, should companies still use it? The answer is definitely yes. Even if your company does not fall under the criteria for a mandatory ICP, it is important to have one in place if you deal with export-controlled items.

Christelle Dubouchet

export, export control, sanctions, restrictions, trade barriers
Export control: the need for an internal compliance programme

What is an Internal Compliance Programme (ICP) and what are its core elements? What if the ICP is not required by law, should companies still use it? The answer is definitely yes. Even if your company does not fall under the criteria for a mandatory ICP, it is important to have one in place if you deal with export-controlled items.

Christelle Dubouchet

export, export control, sanctions, restrictions, trade barriers
Prekių klasifikavimas eksporto kontrolės

Jurgita Stanienė

‎ €65.00
classification, export control, sanctions
Prekių klasifikavimas eksporto kontrolės ir dvejopo naudojimo tikslais: kokius žingsnius būtina atlikti?

Jurgita Stanienė

‎ €65.00
classification, export control, sanctions
What is the design behind export controls

Annette Reiser

‎ €24.50
export, restrictions, trade barriers
What is the design behind export controls and sanctions?

Annette Reiser

‎ €24.50
export, restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopa prekių paskirtis tarptautinėje prekyboje: Lietuvos teismų praktikos vertinimai bylose dėl teisinės atsakomybės

Straipsnyje apžvelgiame pastarųjų metų Lietuvos teismų praktiką teisinės (administracinės) atsakomybės bylose, susijusią su dvejopos paskirties prekėmis ir kitomis strateginėmis prekėmis (karine įranga) bei jų gabenimo tvarkos pažeidimais ir joje pateikiamus esminius išaiškinimus bei problemines praktikos sritis. Nors ilgą laiką buvo pastebima, jog teismų praktika šioje srityje Lietuvoje nėra gausi, tačiau būtent pastaruoju metu jos pavyzdžių ir su jais susijusių straipsnyje pristatomų praktinių atsakomybės taikymo iššūkių, kuriuos turėtų žinoti tarptautinės prekybos verslas, vis labiau daugėja. Skelbiamas straipsnis yra atviros prieigos straipsnis, pirmiau publikuotas Interneto portale „Teisė.Pro“, „Komentarų“ skiltyje, kurioje taip pat galite susipažinti su jo elektronine vieša versija.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopa prekių paskirtis tarptautinėje prekyboje: Lietuvos teismų praktikos vertinimai bylose dėl teisinės atsakomybės

Straipsnyje apžvelgiame pastarųjų metų Lietuvos teismų praktiką teisinės (administracinės) atsakomybės bylose, susijusią su dvejopos paskirties prekėmis ir kitomis strateginėmis prekėmis (karine įranga) bei jų gabenimo tvarkos pažeidimais ir joje pateikiamus esminius išaiškinimus bei problemines praktikos sritis. Nors ilgą laiką buvo pastebima, jog teismų praktika šioje srityje Lietuvoje nėra gausi, tačiau būtent pastaruoju metu jos pavyzdžių ir su jais susijusių straipsnyje pristatomų praktinių atsakomybės taikymo iššūkių, kuriuos turėtų žinoti tarptautinės prekybos verslas, vis labiau daugėja. Skelbiamas straipsnis yra atviros prieigos straipsnis, pirmiau publikuotas Interneto portale „Teisė.Pro“, „Komentarų“ skiltyje, kurioje taip pat galite susipažinti su jo elektronine vieša versija.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
What might be the consequences of non-authorised

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €14.99
export, restrictions, trade barriers, violations
What might be the consequences of non-authorised export?

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €14.99
export, restrictions, trade barriers, violations
en, lt
Eksporto kontrolė: Kas tai? Kodėl? Kada?

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Eksporto kontrolė: Kas tai? Kodėl? Kada? Kaip?

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Exporter of dual-use items

Exporter of dual-use items is any person who has the power to determine the sending of the items out of the customs territory of the Union.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Exporter of dual-use items

Exporter of dual-use items is any person who has the power to determine the sending of the items out of the customs territory of the Union.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Dual-use items

‘Dual-use items’ means items, including software and technology, which can be used for both civil and military purposes.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Dual-use items

‘Dual-use items’ means items, including software and technology, which can be used for both civil and military purposes.

restrictions, trade barriers
The most unexpected customs risk that businesses faced

Is it possible for the business to consider all the possible customs-related risks? The answer to the poll question was unambiguous. All participants of the 8th Authors' Meeting on 21.10.2021 said… NO! And shared various examples of unexpected customs-related risk, talked about sources of the risk and its management.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management, risk management
The most unexpected customs risk that businesses faced

Is it possible for the business to consider all the possible customs-related risks? The answer to the poll question was unambiguous. All participants of the 8th Authors' Meeting on 21.10.2021 said… NO! And shared various examples of unexpected customs-related risk, talked about sources of the risk and its management.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management, risk management
New EU rules on dual-use items: what do they mean for EU exporters?

On 9 September 2021, the revised EU rules on exports of dual-use items set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/821 (“Recast Regulation”) came into force. While the Recast Regulation does not fundamentally change the EU rules underpinning dual-use exports, it brings new elements in the EU regime, aiming to make it apt to respond to modern challenges. This short article provides an overview of the most important changes and their impact on exporters.

Lourdes Catrain

law, restrictions, trade barriers
New EU rules on dual-use items: what do they mean for EU exporters?

On 9 September 2021, the revised EU rules on exports of dual-use items set out in Regulation (EU) 2021/821 (“Recast Regulation”) came into force. While the Recast Regulation does not fundamentally change the EU rules underpinning dual-use exports, it brings new elements in the EU regime, aiming to make it apt to respond to modern challenges. This short article provides an overview of the most important changes and their impact on exporters.

Lourdes Catrain

law, restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolė: naujas

Muitinės praktikų asociacija

restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolė: naujas reglamentas - kas keičiasi?

Muitinės praktikų asociacija

restrictions, trade barriers
Customs and Export Control Specialist:

Gerhard Friese

‎ €24.99
risk management
Customs and Export Control Specialist: How to ensure compliance in the “disaster area”?

Gerhard Friese

‎ €24.99
risk management
Netarifinis reguliavimas: ką ir kaip

Rolandas Jurgaitis

‎ €34.99
restrictions, trade barriers
Netarifinis reguliavimas: ką ir kaip muitinė kontroliuoja?

Rolandas Jurgaitis

‎ €34.99
restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopo naudojimo prekės: Y901 kodo

Rolandas Jurgaitis

‎ €34.99
restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopo naudojimo prekės: Y901 kodo rizika/ grėsmės

Rolandas Jurgaitis

‎ €34.99
restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
New dual-use regulation: What are the changes in the "rules of the game"?

Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 was published in the OJEU L 206 of 11 June 2021. This regulation recasts and repeals regulation 428/2009 on dual-use items (items designed for civilian purposes but which may have both civilian and military use). It will be applicable as of September 9, 2021. While the amendments do not change the fundamental principles of the control of trade or the general scheme of the Regulation, they will nevertheless result in some changes to the current "rules of the game". The changes are briefly outlined here and concern primarily new or revised definitions.

Lucie Cordier

law, restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
New dual-use regulation: What are the changes in the "rules of the game"?

Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 was published in the OJEU L 206 of 11 June 2021. This regulation recasts and repeals regulation 428/2009 on dual-use items (items designed for civilian purposes but which may have both civilian and military use). It will be applicable as of September 9, 2021. While the amendments do not change the fundamental principles of the control of trade or the general scheme of the Regulation, they will nevertheless result in some changes to the current "rules of the game". The changes are briefly outlined here and concern primarily new or revised definitions.

Lucie Cordier

law, restrictions, trade barriers
U.S. export law between third countries

While most trade compliance professionals are likely aware of U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as it pertains to exports originating from the U.S., many are not aware its scope can extend to shipments that do not physically involve the U.S.

Samuel Draginich

restrictions, trade barriers
U.S. export law between third countries

While most trade compliance professionals are likely aware of U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as it pertains to exports originating from the U.S., many are not aware its scope can extend to shipments that do not physically involve the U.S.

Samuel Draginich

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
Where there’s a way, there’s a will: how the WCO builds capacity to implement strategic trade controls

It is often said that where there is a will there’s a way, but the reverse can also be true: improving Customs administrations’ capacity to understand and implement regulations might influence their willingness to make commitments.

James McColm

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
Where there’s a way, there’s a will: how the WCO builds capacity to implement strategic trade controls

It is often said that where there is a will there’s a way, but the reverse can also be true: improving Customs administrations’ capacity to understand and implement regulations might influence their willingness to make commitments.

James McColm

restrictions, trade barriers
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